The ability to protect one’s self and their loved ones from harm has been a valued skill, predating civilization itself. If one could not protect his/her family and territory, then one could expect to be overrun by those who trample over the weak. In today’s society, situations may not be so cut and dry, but the ability to defend oneself is no less valued or needed.
As opposed to many martial arts, you begin with weapons and eventually develop towkards using the empty hand. By starting off with weapons first (in the case of Pekiti-Tirsia, it is a stick), a student can develop body coordination and dynamics relatively quickly. In addition, if escape is not possible, a student’s odds of surviving a vicious attack increase substantially if he/she has something in his/her hand to be used as a weapon. In fact, the student learns to make virtually any object into a weapon for self-defense. Much time is spent cultivating the student’s footwork, which is instrumental in either escaping a conflict or engaging multiple assailants.
What will I learn from studying Pekiti-Tirsia?
You will learn practical self-defense training against armed multiple attackers intending to do you serious harm. These methods you will use run the gamut from weapons to the empty hand.
Traditionally, Pekiti-Tirsia is a blade-oriented art. As such, one begins with the footwork training necessary for dealing with an adversary armed with a knife. When the stick training begins, further coordination and body dynamics for power are cultivated. All training culminates in effective and responsible edged-weapon awareness.
The Pekiti-Tirsia International Curriculum is as follows:
Solo Baston (single stick/sword)
Doble Baston (double sticks/swords)
Espada Y Daga (stick/sword and dagger)
Daga (dagger/knife)
Mano Y Mano (empty hands)
The principles and techniques learned in these areas of study apply to more advanced subject areas, such as handcuffing techniques, firearm retention and use, and much more.